"Time to see all time greatest travellers of the world"
Written on : 21-Mar-2017
Visted During : March 2015 and March 2017
Some more Information
Ranganatittu is one of the finest bird santuaries in Karnataka and attracts thousands of birds all around the year. The clear water and the islands dedicated birds makes them comfortable during their breeding season. Over a hundred variety of birds are identified here. Some birds stay here all their life while some travel from various parts of the country and world.
As a traveller, all you need is special pair of eyes to look around for even the tiny birds in the bushes and bamboo trees. Fruit eating birds like coppersmith barbet are also common to be found. But, most people who go to Ranganatittu see big birds like Pelicans and Painted storks only since they are in huge number and found everywhere. But, it is fun to observe activities of small birds too.
There are 2 types of boating facilities - A common one which is around 15 minutes and takes around 10-15 people. Another is the special boat which is around 45 minutes and costs INR 1000. (Tips to boatmen works here if you want to see birds better.)
My Experience and Opinion
I saw some of the greatest and finest travelers of the world and they were in hundreds. They seemed to be as busy as one could be. Some took rest while some were busy taking bath. Amidst of them I found this couple which was busy making love to each other forgetting the world. After all, they travelled miles and miles to spend some quality time and they chose it as per their choice. In between the loud noise of his friends who were enjoying their stay, I found this guy who looked clueless and lonely. The pain was seen in his every action. The large group even had kids with curious eyes and aimless walk. It was a place that they chose as their home temporarily and the place was virtually owned by them.
Photos are in the alphabetical order of bird names. The list of birds available here are much more than the ones in the pictures below.
Click on the images to view in full size.
The Most Important asset while travelling - Google Maps
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