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"Ley Pakshi... Ley Pakshi... Lepakshi..!"

Written on : 04-June-2017

Visted During : May 2017 and March 2014

Some more Information

Lepakshi has become a major attraction for people from Bangalore off late. Why would it not be when Lepakshi can offer an extremly good riding option along with an architecturally brilliant destination.If someone is looking for a good place in less than 150 Kms from Bangalore, then Lepakshi stands top in the list. Lepakshi lies in the border of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. If you are a photography enthusiast, then Lepakshi is a must visit place even if you are not craving for riding. Early mornings and evenings in Lepakshi offer good spots for photography. It is hard to click photos without people in it. But, patience is key here. Mount your camera to some point, keep the settings ready. Cease it when you are confident that you can remove those people from photo while processing.
If you are visiting for the first time, then I suggest you take a guide since there are certain subtle things which you might miss. The architecture here resembles that of Hampi. The Nandi here is the largest in the country. Do not miss to see the painting of Krishna in the ceiling of the temple. Irrespective of the place you stand, the eye of Krishna gives you a feel that he is staring at you!

Do not miss to observe the hanging pillar. This pillar apparently is said to be the main pillar that supports entire temple. None could understand the technique behind this architectural brilliance till date!
Apart from architecture, the place also has mythological importance. The place is believed to be the location where Ravana cut the wings of Jatayu bird. The name comes from the story that Lord Shri Rama went on calling for the bird as "Ley Pakshi... Ley Pakshi..." which later became Lepakshi. If you hire a guide, he might show you a stone with markings of leg. That is believed to be marks of Seeta Maatha's leg. (However, a lot of stories that are said by guides here can be challenged logically!)

My Experience and Opinion

With an experience of riding there twice, seeing and photographing the Nandi and temple, I give a full mark to the place and list this amongst the top destinations around Bangalore. Hampi and it's architecture is something that had amazed me long back. While I compare it with the architecture of Lepakshi, I see lot of similarities. The carvings, the structure of temple everything has similarities. However, there are certain things that I feel were added over time and hence has a difference. According to the guides here, the Shivalinga here was built during free time while they were building the temple. I wonder how passionate they were about their work. After a couple of hundred years, today artists and photographers stand infront of it to get one good shot of it. A marriage hall was planned to be build but is in an incomplete stage. Just wondering how majestic the marriage hall would have been if it was completed. But, some things gain attraction because they are not complete. (Just like the Barah Kamaan of Bijapur!). The legendary behind it is all that matters.


Click on the images to view in full size.

One of my dream shot

Another dream shot!

Temple view

Half complete marriage hall

Krishna's eyes follows you...!

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