"Deserves getting into the list of best water falls in Karnataka"
Written on : 16-March-2016
Visted During : October 2014
Some more Information
There are 3 falls in a span of 10-15 kms distance and all 3 are wonderful. Bandaje abbi, Didupe Falls and Ermai falls lie in the base of Charmadi Ghat and are worth visiting. No 1st hand info on Bandaje Abbi. More details on those will be added once visited. Do not go during heavy rainy season since it will not be possible to reach the falls. Also, do not visit during Summers since the water flow will be very low. (Nil at times)
Both the water falls' are getting into the 'known' zone of travellers of late and minimum information is available in internet. Hence - How to reach? answered in 2 sentences. Ujire is the nearest town and didupe is 23 kms from Ujire. Take Charmadi road and in Somanthadka take a deviation. Ask for villagers to guide since no sign boards are available. You will need to trek ~2 kms to reach the falls.
My Experience and Opinion
Today, when I write this piece on Didupe and Ermai falls, I celebrate the moment looking at the number of views the blog post on same has got in my blog. The blog post has attracted atleast 5 times more views than rest of my blog posts. Reason being it was the first blog post on these places. Also, I still ask myself why did it take me 24 years to visit this place even if the place was just 40kms away from my home!
It was a much awaited outing for we school friend who did not meet for quite sometime and at the right time all of us were back home for Dasara holidays. Actually one of my blog post put in facebook triggered the idea of going somewhere and it was executed successfully too..! A quick check on nice but less explored places near by lead us to these 2 places. Abhilash got his Car and we headed towards the destination.
Didupe Falls
Didupe falls is a stream of water falling from great height in one step and forms a decent pond structure in the base. Here, with little difficulty, you can go beneath the water fall and take a good bath. If you would like to swim, can spend some time swimming too. But the pond formed is not very wide and deep. Hence, expect less scope for good swimming.
Reaching this falls is a bit challenging since you have to cross stream and during rainy season it would be very difficult. We knew a short cut through a private farm and I am not sure if they allow public to cross unless they are convinced. In spite of that, you need to walk/trek over 2kms to reach the water falls. Visiting and spending some time in this water fall could kill atleast 2-4 hours. While taking a deviation from the main road near a school (my memory is cheating me while I try to recall if it was a school or Panchayat office or some goverment building), a guard would be charging you a nominal price to continue with your vehicle. He makes an entry and that is the permission required.
It is good to ask locallites to guide you towards the falls since you can hardly find any sign boards.
While trekking towards the falls, the water stream makes it perfect experience and gives good scope to click some photos too.
Ermai Falls
It's a double dhamaka when you visit these falls'. You can easily spend an entire day if you plan to visit both the water falls and I would suggest to cover both the water falls as they are totally different. I would call Didupe majestic while I would call Erami a beauty. Even Ermai falls asks you to take some pain before treating your eyes. You need to trek for close to 2 kms to reach the water falls. Again, no proper sign boards and hence you need to take help of locallites to reach the base.
Ermai falls is multi level water falls and if you are little adventurous, then you can go and stand behind the water fall in the middle level. It is an amazing experience where you see water falls standing in the mid level.
It is little dangerous to go there since the rocks and mud there is very slippery and any mishap might be too costly to accept.It is safer during summer if you would like to do this. Unless then, I would advice to not try this.
In the bottom level, there is a huge water base and one can spend good amount swimming and enjoying in the water. The water here is in different levels of depth and you can enjoy to the extent you would like to. Just take care of kids if you have any when you visit the place since it looks pretty tempting there to go deep.Photos
Didupe Falls View 1
My Pose !
Didupe Falls View 2
En Route Didupe falls
My Chaddi Buddies with whom I visited these falls
You can go behind the falls. But this way!
Spot me!
The Most Important asset while travelling - Google Maps
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